Monday, 5 December 2011

The Difference between Web Design and graphical user interface Design

graphical user interface
Designing for the Web is special from designing traditional software user interfaces. Mainly, the designer has to give up full control and share task for the user interface with users and their client hardware/software. Of course there are also similarity between designing for the Web and traditional user interface design: at the most basic level, both are interactive systems, and both are software designs as opposite to the design of physical things.

Device Diversity

In traditional graphical user interface design, you control each pixel on the screen: as you lay out a dialog box, you can rest secure that it will look accurately the same on the user's screen. You know what system you are designing for, you know what fonts it has installed, you know how great the screen typically will be, and you have the system vendor's styleguide to tell you the rules for combine the interface widgets.

The User Controls Navigation

In traditional graphical user interface design, the designer can manage where the user can go when. You can gray out menu options that are not applicable in the present state, and you can throw up a modal dialog box that take over the computer until the user has answered the question. On the Web, the user basically controls his or her navigation through the pages. Users can take paths that were never planned by the designer: for example, they can jump straight into the guts of a site from a search engine without still going through the home page. Users also manage their own bookmark menu and can use it to generate a customized interface to a site.

Part of a Whole

A traditional request is an enclosed user interface experience: even though window systems permit application-switching and make several applications visible simultaneously, the user is basically "in" a single application at any given time and only that application's commands and interface convention are active. Users spend fairly long periods of time in each application and become familiar with its features and design.

Also visit : web development dubai

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